The award-winning and innovative design of the Precor AMT 835 intuitively responds to users’ natural motion, allowing users to completely change the flow of movements for a comprehensive cardio workout – all without so much as the push of a button. The Precor AMT 835 features naturally adjusted stride length without the need to control settings; from zero to 27 inches (69 cm), to match the desired workout for each unique users. The dual action provides both upper and lower body workout and the arms are engaged with pushing and pulling motion to provide the ultimate in total body engagement. Another AMT 835 feature is the STRIDE DIAL, by selecting Stride Dial from the Workout Progress Panel; users see stride length changes in real-time to determine the muscle groups being worked. The biomechanics of the Precor AMT 835 has been validated by Western Washington University Biomechanics Lab for users of all fitness levels and sizes, from the 5% size female to the 95% size male user; it has been noted to have excellent stability and freedom of movement for users of all sizes.
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